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TaylorSense Support 

How accurate are the sensors?

Dec 5, 2019

Sensor readings may not match what the user expects for many reasons. This article goes through each of these causes, the symptoms users experience, and offers remediation solutions. Below is the specification for sensor readings.

Issue – Humidity readings are drifting higher or lower over time

Sensors that are consistently above 80% RH will slowly drift upwards several percent over the course of several months. The same is true for sensors below 20% RH, except that the humidity trends downward. This is an expected, physical phenomena of the sensor. If the user returns the sensor to between 20% and 80%, the drift will quickly disappear.

Remediation – Correct humidity issue

If the user is experiencing this issue, then their guitar is at risk of damage. Users should take action to better control the humidity of their instrument, be it use humidity packs, dehumidify their room, or condition the guitar case.

Issue – Humidity reading doesn’t match another hygrometer or sensor

Users often have multiple sensors or other analog or digital hygrometers. Each of these sensors has its own accuracy range and offset. For example, if sensor A consistently reads 3% higher than normal, and the users analog hygrometer reads 5% lower, the user will see an 8% difference between the readings. Both of these readings are likely within accuracy range.

Additionally, analog hygrometers have a larger accuracy range than digital hygrometers.

Remediation – Help customer understand accuracy

Convey to the user that not all hygrometers will match exactly and that this is normal. As long as the sensor readings are near the safe range for guitars (40% to 60%) you can reassure them that their guitar is perfectly safe.

Remediation – Calibrate analog sensor

Many analog hygrometer can be calibrated to match another reading. Users may adjust their analog hygrometer to match their sensor. Alternatively, they can calibrate their analog hygrometer using a calibration kit, such as the one sold by Boveda.

Issue – Humidity reading doesn’t match Boveda or Humidipak percentage

If the user is using Humidipak or Boveda products to humidify their guitar, the sensor will not always match the designated percentage on the Humidipak or Boveda label. 

Remediation – Check for dried up Humidipak or Boveda product

If the product is expired, the user needs to replace it. To determine if the user should replace the Humidipak and Boveda product, gently squeeze the packet. If it feels gritty but is still has liquid in it, then the pack is nearing end of life. If the pack has hardened with no liquid, it should be discarded and replaced.

Remediation – Condition guitar case

If the user has a very dry guitar case, the user may need to condition their guitar case to ensure it doesn’t leech all of the moisture from the guitar or guitar humidification product. Users should also take care to keep their guitar cases closed when using humidification products.

Remediation – Help customer understand accuracy

Guitar cases leak air slowly over time. If the user lives by a large body of water, has very low humidity in their house, then the case may leak more quickly. It is normal for the sensor to be several percentage points away from the humidification product.

Remediation – Sensor location vs pack location Education

Even in a small space such as a guitar case, sensors will read very differently depending on where they are placed inside the case. In addition to this, placement of Humidipaks or Boveda products may also change sensors or hygrometers readings. It is important to understand that humidity differences can and will occur in different parts of the case and that it is okay if different area’s read different RH levels. The TaylorSense unit is measuring the humidity from inside your guitar and wood can hold in humidity much better than the case itself.

Issue – Humidity reads 100% RH, 0% RH, or NA

This is an unusual case that may be related to a software issue.

Remediation – Escalate to tier 2 support

Blustream will look into the customers data to try to determine the root cause of the issue.

When to request an RMA

If none of these issues solve a customers issues and their sensor readings still don’t make sense, please escalate the user to tier 2 support. Blustream would like to review the customers data before issuing an RMA.