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TaylorSense Support 

What do my alert states mean?

Dec 5, 2019


A user will receive a temperature alert if their sensor measures temperature outside the safe range of 33F to 99F. If the sensor stays outside of the safe range, the user will receive temperature alerts every two hours. If the sensor goes from outside the safe range, then back into the safe range, then outside the safe range again, this resets the “cooldown” for alerts and an alert will be sent immediately rather than waiting for two hours.


A user will receive a humidity alert if their sensor measures that their guitar has been outside the safe humidity range of 40% to 60% RH. A user will not receive humidity alerts for the first 72 hours starting at the time their sensor was linked. After this, a user will receive a humidity alert if the guitar’s 72 hour average humidity is out of the safe range. A user will receive a humidity notification at most every 72 hours. Users will not receive any alerts for current/instantaneous humidity.


A user will receive an impact alert if the sensor measures an acceleration greater than 12g. A user will get an impact alert typically when their guitar has been dropped or hit on another object. For repeated impacts in a short time span, the user will see one incident and notification approximately every 3 seconds.


A user will receive a low battery alert if their battery drops below 30%. A user will receive this low battery alert every 12 hours. If the battery drops below 10%, another alert will be sent out ignoring the 12 hour cooldown from the less than 30% battery alert. Then again, the 10% battery alert will be sent every 12 hours.



What are the default alert limits

  • Temperature: The safe range is between 33F to 99F
  • Humidity: The safe range is between 40% to 60%
  • Battery: Less than 30% and then again at 10%
  • Impact: Anything greater than 12g